Nidle's Corner.

This week as I was looking through the Net I found some information by Sheldon Nidle. I thought I would look through it and see if there was some of his teachings that I had missed. After looking at it I found that some of the postings were done by myself and that the person putting down the information had also recorded some of the other people's comments who read the Net. I will now attempt to post what the person who compiled the information, who is a person who uses the name KIWI, has recorded, plus the postings of the people who had comments about the material.

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A Collection of Excerpts From The Book.
Last update Mar 4, 1995.

Primary John Winston, posted excerpts in fragments to alt.alien.visitors Comments from the readers ...* The People From Sirius, The Laws On Sirius *
The Lion-Like People In Space Earth's Forgotten History * How We Got Started, Lightwork, The Destruction Of the Earth's Second Moon * The Reptoid and Dinoid Space People * Mythology And UFOs * Wormwood, Battle Planet And All That Jazz * Quetzalcoatl And UFOs (Will sort the sequence later maybe, to give better meaning of the fragments - kiwi)

The "You Are Becoming A Galactic Human" you get from S.E.E.publishing Co., 1556 Halford Ave., #288, Santa Clara, CA 95051, 408/245-5457; $----- + $----- shipping (C) 1994, Virginia Essene & Sheldon Nidle, P.O. Box 811, Half Moon Bay, CA 94019
The People From Sirius

The Destruction Of the Earth's Second Moon

We also had a Firmament around our world that is the equivalent of what you once had on Earth. This Firmament has allowed our home world to maintain itself and has assured us Sirians long and healthy lives and an entirely predictable weather pattern.

Our entire planet is, for the most part, nearly equivalent to what, on your particular planet, would be called a semi- tropical type of climate. Our Sirian planets, especially our third planet, are slightly warmer than Earth since they average in the mid to upper 70 degrees Fahrenheit during the entire year, without high and low variances.

Our calendar year is a little different than yours. We have a solar year that is 440 days long (11 months of 40 days each). This is because our planet is slightly farther out in orbit from our sun than your Earth is. Our day is roughly equivalent to the Earth's 24-hour period except that it is slightly longer, but we have found ways of maintaining our system of calendars to this 24-hour system. This is one of the reasons why your planet was selected for colonizing. It has the same 24-hour system of day and night similar to that of our home worlds in the Lyran constellation. If you study the Mayan calendar you may begin to understand the basic elements of our Sirian galactic time calendar. (It is essential that Earth human begin to understand the importance of studying and experiencing galactic time. The Mayan calendar is an excellent starting point for this endeavor.)

What is most unique to us about the Sirius B planetary system is its natural beauty and abundant life energy (prana). This life energy makes it quite incredible. The creatures and of course the plant life there also quite different. For example, our Sirian trees are amazing in color, contrasted to Earth trees, because many of them have purple instead of brown bark. What is of most interest to you, probably, is the fact that we live in various enclaves, either in cave-like systems or hugh underground cities built near the power nodes of the different parts of our planetary grid system. However, these cave-like systems are not primitive, dark places as you might imagine. Living under a Firmament in the underground cities will eventually occur on your planet, allowing you an amazingly long and exquisite life. In addition, we have small colonies of actual settlements on the surface that allow us to interface with the temple sites which are directly next to them. This set-up allows us to experience some energy patterns on the surface as well as to interact with the animals and the plant life thus acting as true guardians on all levels of our planet.

Virginia: Could you say how high the Sirian mountains are?

Washta: They are no more than 3,000-4,000 feet (915-1,220 meters) in height except for one peak which is, strangely enough, almost exactly 11,000 feet (3,353 meters) tall.

V: This description of Sirius is very interesting. We are also curious about you weather and if you have anything like earthquakes?

W: The Spiritual hierarchy of Sirius have controlled all movements of the different planetary plate structures with light and love. Therefore, the need for rapid shifts is not necessary. Hence, there are, to use your nomenclature, no earthquakes on our planets (either the 3rd or 4th planet of the Sirius B star system). Also because of the planetary Firmament, we do not have the wind storms, the rain, and the thunder presently associated with Earth. In addition, we have a minimal amount of volcanic eruptions. Any volcanic activity is controlled by ourselves and by te Spiritual Hierarchy when required.

Part 1.

Source Of Information:

John Winston.

Original file name: 95.09.09 Nidles Corner